09 October 2006

Students are seeking peace --- read on!

Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2006 17:34:15 -0400

My Colleagues, As a student, I share your deep concerns for your right education and right to Return of Investment (ROI), just as the protesters who I believe we do respect very much are exercising their freedom to express their disagreement with the decision of BOT.

None of us are questioning their disagreement; either do any of us want to engage into fruitless debate on why BOT took a stand in their decision, based on the power and authority conferred upon them by the US Congress.What is most important to you and me is we need to ask ourselves only one relevant question: Why am I in Gallaudet University? Ponder on this for a moment.You and I are in Gallaudet to earn better and quality education. Many of us come from far and near, some of us are single parents, some of us work-study and pay our college education from our pockets, some of us are international students whose stay in college depends largely on their grades, some of us struggled so hard with VR, and if our grades fall down, we risk losing VR support.

We strive so hard to earn education, an opportunity that might not be present to us everywhere. Gallaudet is only one and will remain unique to us. This dream and inspiration in you that informed your decision to come to Gallaudet for education is about to be scattered and dashed. Your future ambitions and career goals are at stake and being held to ransom by the protesters who did not send me or you to Gallaudet. It has been said that your destiny is in your hands. Only you can decide what you want to become tomorrow by your actions of today. Coming to Gallaudet University show that you want better tomorrow, better education and better future.

This protest obviously interfering with your ambitions and I want us to join hand to voice out our right to education.If those protesters are not ashamed to ruin our education, why should we be scared to come out as ground and voice our rights and need for education? Protesters will never put 3 square meals on our table in future. They will never pay our bills in future. They are not going to refund the cost of our education we lost through their protest. Now you see where you have a huge responsible to tell your friends, this is enough, I want to go to class.The faculty who are visibly involved are mostly from Fowler Hall. They are going to teach their students in Fowler hall on Monday, but still support the barricade of HMB. I want you to ask, is that social justice? How can you understand this hypocrisy?Let us meet 7pm tonight sharp at MPR to meet and discuss our concerns.

Thank you
David King


At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

David is right! I am a student and we are being played by the FSSA. I need my education not this BS. FSSA need listens and STOP. You do not care anything about students.

At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's true. FSSA not care nothing about students. Noah is being forced by FSSA to refuse cooperate. I see with my own eyes. FSSA is selfish and don't care about us. Why shoud we support them anymore? I want to be a student again!

At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You hit right on the nail!!!!!

At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the protesters were genuinely serious about social justice and concern for students, THEY would have set up places for classes to be held and research to be done while they are in HMB. Every organizer knows that you take care of the people who could support you as you move forward with your "tactics" rather than thumbing your noses in their faces!


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